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来源: 新闻中心   作者: 张皖 田思雨  摄影:   编辑:周焱  审核:何恋  发布时间:2023年06月01日  点击次数:


"Spring rain surprise spring clear valley day, summer mang summer connected, autumn dew autumn cold frost, winter snow winter small big cold." Year after year, again and again. The 24 solar terms contain the long cultural connotation and historical accumulation of the Chinese people. Whenever mentioned, a deep sense of national pride arises spontaneously.


The 24 solar terms refer to the 24 specific seasons in the Chinese lunar calendar. They are based on the position of the Earth in the ecliptic (the Earth's orbit around the sun), each corresponding to a certain position the Earth reaches for every 15 degrees of movement on the ecliptic.


Reflecting the four seasons, there are eight solar terms: Start of Spring, Vernal equinox, Start of Summer, Summer solstice, Start of autumn, autumn equinox, Start of winter and Winter solstice. Among them, Start of Spring, Start of summer, Start of autumn and Start of winter are called "four Li", indicating the beginning of the four seasons.


There are five solar terms reflecting the temperature change: Minor Heat, Major Heat, End Heat, Minor Cold and Major Cold. Reflecting the weather phenomena are: rain, grain rain, white dew, cold dew, frost's descent, light snow, heavy snow 7 solar terms. Reflect the phenological phenomenon has Awakening of insects, Qingming, Xiao Man, Grain in Ear 4 solar terms.



Lichun: Li is the beginning of the meaning, Lichun is the beginning of spring. In the Gregorian calendar February 3-5 festival.


Rain: The rainfall begins and increases gradually. The Gregorian calendar February 18-20 festival.


Jingzhe: Jingzhe means to hide. Awakening of insects refers to spring thunder, wake up hibernating animals dormant in the soil. March 05-07 of the Gregorian calendar festival.


Vernal equinox: Equinox means to share equally. The vernal equinox indicates the equal division of day and night. The Gregorian calendar March 20-22 festival.


Tomb-sweeping Day: Tomb-sweeping Day, all things "spit out the old", the earth presents the image of spring and Jingming. April 04-06 in the Gregorian calendar.


Grain rain: rain gives birth to a hundred grains. Cereal crops thrive on adequate and timely rainfall. The Gregorian calendar April 19-21 festival.


Start of Summer: The beginning of summer. The Gregorian calendar May 05-07 festival.


Xiaoman: Xiaoman reflects the climatic characteristics of heavy rainfall and full of rivers. The Gregorian calendar May 20-27 festival.


Grain in Ear: "grain in ear" is "busy kind" homophonic, indicating that all crops are "busy kind". June 05-07 of the Gregorian calendar festival.


Summer Solstice: When the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, it is the summer solstice. The hot summer is coming. The Gregorian calendar June 21-22 festival.


Minor Heat: Heat means hot; Minor Heat is when the weather starts to get hot. July 06-08 of the Gregorian calendar festival.


Major Heat: The hottest time of the year. The Gregorian calendar July 22-24 festival.


Start of autumn: Dou refers to the southwest; The longitude of the sun is 135°. The beginning of autumn. The Gregorian calendar August 07-09 festival.


End of Heat: To stop means to hide. End of Heat means the end of the hot summer days. The Gregorian calendar August 22-24 festival.


White Dew: When the weather turns cool, the dew turns white. The Gregorian calendar September 07-09 festival.


Autumnal Equinox: Equal parts day and night. The Gregorian calendar September 22-24 festival.


Cold dew: The dew is cold and will freeze. The Gregorian calendar October 08-09 festival.


Frost: The weather gets cold and frost begins. The Gregorian calendar October 23-24 festival.


Start of Winter: The beginning of winter. The Gregorian calendar November 7-8 festival.


Light snow: It means the beginning of snow. The Gregorian calendar November 22-23 festival.


Heavy snow: Increased snowfall, possibly snow on the ground. The Gregorian calendar December 6-8 festival.


Winter Solstice: Cold winter comes. The Gregorian calendar December 21-23 festival.


Minor Cold: The weather starts to get cold. The Gregorian calendar January 5-7 festival.


Major Chill: The coldest time of the year. The Gregorian calendar January 20-21 festival.


Since its establishment in the Qin and Han Dynasties, it has been playing a very important role in the national economy and people's livelihood for 2000 years. The 24 solar terms are not only the time criterion of national administration, but also the compass of agricultural production and the weather indicator of daily life. The harmony between nature and man contained in the 24 solar terms is the essence of Chinese culture. At a time when the global ecological environment is deteriorating and sustainable development is in crisis, Highlight universal meaning and shared value.

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