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来源: 新闻中心   作者: 周焱 杨家俊  摄影:   编辑:周焱  审核:何恋 彭俊杰  发布时间:2023年04月13日  点击次数:


Qingming Festival, also known as Stepping Youth Festival, Xingqing Festival, March Festival, Ancestor Worship Festival, etc., is held at the turn of mid-spring and late spring. Derived from the ancestral beliefs and spring rituals of ancient times, Qingming Festival has both natural and humanistic connotations, which is both a natural solar term and a traditional festival. Tomb sweeping and ancestral outings 。are the two major ritual themes of the Qingming Festival, which have been passed down in China since ancient times and continue to this day.


Qingming Festival is an ancient festival of the Chinese nation, which is not only a solemn festival to visit tombs and worship ancestors, but also a joyful festival for people to get close to nature, play and enjoy the fun of spring. Douji B (or solar ecliptic longitude up to 15°) is the Qingming solar term, and the time of the festival is around April 5 in the Gregorian calendar. At this time, the vitality is vigorous, the yin qi is declining, all things "spit out the old and embrace the new", and the earth presents the image of spring and prosperity, which is a good time for youth travel in the suburbs and tomb sacrifices. The Qingming Ancestor Worship Festival is very long, there are two sayings: 10 days before 8 days and 10 days before and after 10 days, which are all during the Qingming Ancestor Worship Festival.


Qingming Festival is a traditional major spring festival, tomb sweeping sacrifices, remembering ancestors, is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times, not only conducive to promoting filial piety and family affection, awakening the common memory of the family, but also promoting the cohesion and sense of identity of family members and even the nation. Qingming Festival integrates natural solar terms and humanistic customs, is the unity of the right time and place, fully embodies the ancestors of the Chinese nation in pursuit of the harmonious unity of "heaven, earth and man", and pays attention to the idea of conforming to the time and place and following the laws of nature. Qingming Festival, together with Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, is known as China's four traditional festivals. On May 20, 2006, the Qingming Festival declared by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China was approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.


Qingming is an ancient festival of the Chinese nation, which integrates solar terms and folk festivals, which is the unity of heavenly time and human time, and Qingming etiquette culture fully reflects the traditional concept of "the unity of heaven and man". Qingming Festival has integrated the cold food festival and cold food customs popular in the northern region in historical development. Legend has it that the Cold Food Festival was established in the Spring and Autumn Era to commemorate Jie Zitui, the loyal minister of the Jin Kingdom, and although the Cold Food Festival is related to Jie Zitui in folklore, the origin of the cold food is not to commemorate Jie Zitui, but to follow the old habit of changing fire in ancient times, that is, as said in the "Rite of Zhou", "Mid-spring is forbidden to repair fire in the middle of the country with Muduo".


The Cold Food Festival is an earlier festival in ancient times spread in the Central Plains of northern China, when the Cold Food Festival was the first festival, smoking was not allowed to fire, only cold food was eaten, and in the development of later generations, customs such as tomb sacrifice sweeping, swinging, kicking, hooking, cockfighting and so on were gradually added. Due to the cold in the north, the temperature rises in spring and March to coincide with the season of changing fires, and people are forbidden to start fires when new fires have not arrived. The Han Dynasty called the Cold Food Festival a no-smoking festival, because on this day the people were not allowed to raise fires, and only at night did candles be lit in the palace and the fire passed on to the homes of noble and heavy ministers. According to the Book of the Later Han, the original Hanshi Festival was very long, the longest was 105 days, and the shortest was nearly 1 month. During the Cold Food Festival, no fire should be lit, only raw food, which is not good for people's health.


From the documentary records, it can be seen that some places in northern China in the pre-Qin period had a relatively strict fire ban system, and there were customs of changing fire from the official to the people. The "Rite of Zhou", written between the two Han Dynasties, clearly records that there was an official of the "Si Ju" at that time, and every mid-spring, the climate was dry, and not only the fire preserved by human beings was easy to cause fires, but also the occurrence of spring thunder was easy to cause mountain fires. The ancients often carried out solemn sacrifices during this season to extinguish all the fires handed down from the previous year, that is, the "forbidden fire". Then re-drill the fire and take out the new fire, as the starting point of production and life in the new year, which is called "changing the fire".


During the fire ban and fire change period, people must prepare enough cooked food to live cold. Because the ancient fire ban system was too cruel and severe, it did not care about the specific conditions of each place, and even affected the production and life of the people. As a result, the Han Dynasty saw the abolition of the fire ban in the Taiyuan area by Zhou Ju. In the Han Dynasty, many places had to ban fire for a month, and in the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival became three days, which were called big cold food, official cold food, and small cold food. After the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival gradually declined. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, the status of the Qingming Festival rose to replace the status of the Cold Food Festival.


Qingming Festival also incorporates the customs of another earlier festival, the Shangcheng Festival. Shangshi Festival, commonly known as the third of March. The Shangshi Festival is the most important festival held in ancient times, in which people go to the water's edge to bathe, called "Qiyu", and since then added sacrificial feasts and drinks, meandering waters, and outings to spring travel. In ancient times, the "dry branch" day was used, and the first day in early March was called "upper branch". The word "Shangxi" first appeared in Han Dynasty documents, and Zheng Xuan noted in the "Rite of Zhou": "When the time was removed, now the March is like water." After the Wei and Jin dynasties, the festival period of the Shangxi Festival was changed to the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar, so it was also called "heavy three" or "third of March".


The main customs of the festival are spring bathing in the countryside, spring bathing, and yuzen (bathing near the river to pray for blessings and eliminating disasters). In ancient times, during the March season, people went to the water's edge to make sacrifices. A poem by Lu Ji in the Jin Dynasty wrote: "Late in the twilight of spring, the weather is soft and beautiful." Yuan Jilong first summit, maundy swimming the Yellow River. It is a vivid portrayal of people at that time in the Shangcheng Festival and stepping on the Qingqing, just like the poem of the great poet Wang Wei of the Tang Dynasty, "Young people travel in different days, and do not need to be Qingming and Shangxi". In the Song Dynasty, the Shangxi Festival gradually disappeared and was not found in the literature.

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