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【世界趣闻录】special forces travel

来源: 新闻中心   作者: 周焱 彭昱颍  摄影:   编辑:冯欢  审核:陈鑫莲  发布时间:2023年05月04日  点击次数:


Red Star journalist found out, Entries such as " special forces travel ", " military training travel " and " college students' military training travel " have become hot topics on social media. In a short video platform, with " College Special Forces Travel " topic video has accumulated tens of millions of broadcast volume


Short time, more scenic spots, less cost, boat car fatigue... is the characteristics of this new type of tourism. Why is special forces travel a trend for college students? Expert analysis, there may be a certain " retaliatory travel " psychology, but excellent physical fitness for high-intensity travel also laid the foundation, Low-cost travel without overnight stays is very cost-effective for college students.


Why can " special forces " tourism form a trend among college students? From a psychological point of view, This reflects the motivation of the student community to challenge and express themselves, At the same time, it meets the needs of students eager to explore the world and increase their knowledge. This fast-paced travel, is conducive to reducing the financial burden of students at the same time, leaving more memories for youth.


Special forces travel is more like a challenge expert: to make travel a meaningful experience young people like to share the qualities of life, Coupled with the promotion of social media, so that " special forces " travel on the internet fire up, some people envy young people just go attitude, Some people also criticized the " special forces-style " travel, experience is too bad.


By choosing this kind of travel, I focus on how to get more experience at a lower cost. As for the quality of the experience, whether to get the whole experience, is not my biggest concern. " Yun Yi said of the travel experience, anything can not be required to be perfect, in the choice of " special forces ", She sees travel as an extreme physical challenge, like a special forces training.


Student living expenses are limited, this' special forces-style' tourism model is the main cost-effective. " Experts said that when students travel, they will choose cities with dense scenic spots, which makes it easier to make the schedule accurate to the minute. Make every expense " worth it. " But he also regretted that due to the cost of compression, the experience must be limited, " for example, this time, people have arrived in Taiyuan, " But the surrounding attractions such as Pingyao, Wutai Mountain and so on have no time to see. "


Everything depends on its two sides, can not be generalized. Professor Meng Bo said that " special forces " tourism through minor challenges, increase the memorable experience of tourism, enrich the happy experience of tourism. Any form of tourism that satisfies the growth of knowledge and challenges itself is good, but it also puts forward higher requirements for energy and physical strength.


Due to the lack of rest, many " special forces " in the market, leaving a leg pain " limp ", energy poor " dizziness sleepy " " sequelae. It is difficult to find a balance between travel and study. In Professor Meng Bo's view, for students, there is no need to rush to the mountains and seas.


In the past few years, many college students have put their travel plans on hold because of the epidemic. Many students are on their first trip in three years. " While college students may travel with some retaliatory travel, love is the stronger drive. " Some people in the industry believe that social media, community marketing in this " trend " has also played a role in promoting.


It is worth noting that special forces-style tourism for students there are some negative effects. Reporters found that people generally take this way of travel, usually choose some more distant destinations, such as Chengdu School, Weekend will choose Xi'an, Changsha, etc., may daily 90,000 steps, if Monday has an early eight classes, it is easy to be late or poor spirit, " So you need to master the degree of travel and balance entertainment with school. "


There's growth, healing, and socializing behind the carnival trip, not just eating and drinking, Pre-strategy formulation, midway sudden some of the situation, will test a person's ability to deal with the problem and strain capacity.


Since the opening of the epidemic, college students weekend special forces-style tourism blowing a frenzy. We use our short weekends to go to places we've never met before and want to set foot in. However, what is the significance of college students' travel?


I have seen a sentence: " Youth has no price, poetry and wine while time. " " Buy a small camera, take the midnight train, buy the early morning special ticket to watch the sunrise in the desert, the sunset over the sea. Life should have at least two impulse opportunities: one is to a vigorous love, one is to a say go travel.


Yi Yi said that if not travel some places we will never arrive, if not travel some people we will never meet, We would never have been able to touch it if it weren't for some eureka moment. The wind of youth is more precious than gold. We should love the wind of the wilderness, for it is better than poverty and thought.

那么,什么样的人适合特种兵式旅游呢? 主要是那些喜欢冒险、挑战自我和寻找新鲜经历的人。他们通常富有冒险精神,拥有强烈的求知欲和探索欲。此外,这种旅游方式也可以帮助那些想挑战自我的人,例如那些想证明自己身体或心理能力的人或想尝试一些新的事物的人等。

So, what kind of people suitable for special forces-style travel? Mainly people who like to take risks, challenge themselves and find new experiences. They are usually adventurous and have a strong thirst for knowledge and exploration. In addition, this kind of travel can help those who want to challenge themselves. For example, people who want to prove their physical or mental abilities or who want to try something new.

特种兵式旅游也可以成为家庭或朋友团聚的好方法。 它可以在锻炼身体的同时,加强家庭或友谊的感情,增强互相支持和协作的能力,并为旅游人群提供一个不同于平日生活的刺激和放松的机会。

Special forces travel can also be a great way to reunite family or friends. It can exercise the body at the same time, strengthen the feelings of family or friendship, enhance mutual support and cooperation ability, And for the tourist crowd to provide a different from the daily life of stimulation and relaxation opportunities.

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