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来源: 新闻中心   作者: 周焱 彭昱颍  摄影:   编辑:周焱  审核:廖代珍  发布时间:2023年09月28日  点击次数:


Military training is a basic form for students to receive national defense education, an important measure to train "four talents", and an extremely effective means to train and reserve reserve soldiers and reserve officers of the army and expand the national defense force.


The purpose of military training is to improve students' political consciousness through strict military training, stimulate patriotic enthusiasm, carry forward the spirit of revolutionary heroism, cultivate hard work, hard work and the spirit of collectivism, strengthen the concept of national defense and the sense of organization and discipline, develop a good style of study and life style, master basic military knowledge and skills.


It is one of the training contents of common subjects to train soldiers, troops and detachments in the formation standard movement. The purpose is to correct the posture of soldiers, maintain a strict military appearance, develop the habit of uniformity, ordering and prohibiting and strictly observing discipline, cultivate a rapid, accurate and coordinated style, and lay a good foundation for mastering technical and tactical movements.


The implementation procedure and method of queue training: usually explain first, then practice; First decompose, then coherent; Single action first, then team action. A combination of explanation and demonstration, one by one instruction. In order to test and improve the training quality of troops and detachments, the methods of competition, meeting and parade can also be adopted. Pay attention to education and study consistent, emphasize in daily life, training and duty to develop a good style of work.


According to the National Defense Education Law of the People's Republic of China, in addition to universities and high school students, elementary and middle school students should also receive military training. The time is generally in September before the start of school or October after the National Day.


Article 45 of the Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that students in regular institutions of higher learning must receive basic military training during their schooling.


The notice of the National Defense Mobilization Department of the Central Military Commission on the issuance of the "Standards for the construction of Military Courses in ordinary colleges and Universities" stipulates that the actual training time of military training shall not be less than 14 days.


Then let's understand the meaning of military training.


Military training is the first lesson of the new semester. The purpose of military training is to strengthen the national defense consciousness and collectivism concept, and deeply understand the true meaning of "moral, learning, practice and innovation"; Cultivate a style of solidarity and mutual assistance, and enhance collective cohesion and combat effectiveness. Military training can also improve self-care ability, cultivate ideological independence and independence, but also develop a good habit of strict self-discipline.


Military training in its unique way has played a role in promoting the study and life of contemporary students, mainly reflected in the following aspects:


FirstThrough the actual training of military training, we have developed a tenacious will quality, enhanced physical fitness at the same time, and promoted the formation and development of spiritual character.


SecondCompared with the time for students to learn scientific and cultural knowledge in the future, although the military training time is short, it is a precious accumulation and precipitation of life. Through intense and orderly military training life, students can learn to effectively use precious time to arrange daily learning life, improve learning efficiency and effect.


ThirdThrough military training, students can understand the philosophy of life with endless learning. When encountering difficulties, setbacks and tests, I can treat them with a normal heart and have the courage to fight and challenge.


Next, I would like to give some suggestions to the students who are going to have military training.


Two sets of military training uniforms must be washed and changed frequently.


Be sure to bring napkins and water, and two Band-aids if possible.


Be sure to wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn, you can reapply several times when you rest.


The school will require the uniform to wear military shoes, it is best to buy a pair of insole pads.


During military training, a piece of kleenex can be placed between the military cap and the forehead to absorb sweat.


Be sure to have breakfast in the morning, you can go to the canteen early to queue up.

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